Corsera- Crafting an Effective Writer

Week 2- Journal Writing 1 Thursday May 16th

Describing Playgroup:

Nouns: Adults, Children, Books, Tables, bookshelves, beanbags, Chairs, Students, bags, Pens, pencils, whiteboard

Adjectives: Enthusiastic, bored, happy, green , orange, purple, bright, colourful, excited, upset.

Week 2 Journal writing 2 thursday May 16th

Verbs: Laughing, smiling, listening, looking, running, sitting, staring, ignoring, frowning, shouting

Adverbs: restlessly, imaginatively, loudly, pointedly, enchantingly, endlessly, restlessly, noisily, helplessly, accidentally

Sentence 1:

The adults sat contentedly in a circle, holding squirming restless children on their laps.

The enthusiastic children listened carefully to the animated storytellers endless tale.

Week 3 Journal writing 1- May 22

Observations: workmen, doctor, cook, waiter, shopkeeper, dog cat, waiting, digging, sitting, walking, listening, making.

Subject underlined
The customers watched the workmen digging a hole.
The doctor sat in the chair waiting for the patient.
She walked to the shop quickly.
Which fruit will I buy?
Hurry up and cross the road.
The cat ran quickly across the road.

Journal writing 2- May 28
Action verb underlined.
The restless customer tapped his fingers impatiently on the counter.
The lazy workman watched his friend digging a large hole.
He ran quickly across the road, narrowly avoiding a car.
An orange rolled slowly off the display, and then went under the table.

 Week 4: Journal writing 1 June 1st

Adverbial subordinate clauses

As the room was hot, the air conditioner was set to sixteen degrees Celsius.
The man watched the program on his computer because the television was broken.
While the man used his computer, the woman read a book

Adjective subordinate clauses

The man used the computer when he was bored.
Anna, the lady who was reading, was also eating an apple.
Anna finished the book which made her sad. 

Week 4 Journal Writing 2 June 5th

Noun Phrases:


From her seat, she could see all the office workers typing furiously.

Underneath the table the boy ate his lunch noisily.


 As the students scrawled their answers on the paper, their classroom was silent.

 She tapped her fingers impatiently, as the students waited for the lesson to start.


The blonde lady hurriedly walked into the photocopy room, as she talked loudly on the phone.

Dan stood in the middle of the room, his eyes scanned each desk carefully, for the red striped pencil case he had lost.

Verb Phrases


To fly with a toddler, you must be prepared for anything.

To walk to the train station, you have to cross the road.

To change the headmasters mind is very difficult, there must be good reasons to support the change.



Waiting for the students to finish, she read a book.

Looking for a reason to laugh, the student caught the eye of his friend.

Wishing the test was over, Emily started to daydream.


Overwhelmed with boredom, her eyes scoured the room for a distraction.

Tempted to cheat, he resisted the urge to look at the back of the book.

Fatigued by the events of the day, she lay her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.

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