Monday 24 June 2013

Training Bra's

No one tell you about the pain of leaving Maternity Bras behind! I don't mean the metaphorical pain of ending a nursing relationship... I mean the physical pain of putting an underwire on again... Arg no one tells you!

I think that underwire bra's are a torture device! I have not worn one for nearly three years, what a shock I'v had. I am currently in training to wear one again. I can only do a few hours before my good old maternity bra calls to me.

Oh I'v been measured, I have tried on a number of different sizes, its all correctly fitted my post baby body is just surprised at the discomfort in wearing one after all of this time.

It's funny, I don't remember the pain before, perhaps it was there and I'v forgotten, either way, I am happy with my new reinforced figure and persistence will win out. I am just retraining.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Back To School...

I have spent the last week at school,  filling in for a colleague. Hence my absence from  the blog. Going back to teaching has been exhausting and has reminded me of why we decided that I would take a year off for E.

I have really missed spending time with her teaching a class has its merits but there is something special about spending a lot of one-on-one time with your own child. The experiences, the conversations and the amusement! I can't wait to get back to being a full time Mummy!

Saturday 1 June 2013

May 31st- A vivid memory

My daughter runs excitedly around the garden. She runs in circles, occasionally shouting " I find it!" before she bangs into my legs.

Although this scene has been re-enacted many times it shines in my mind. My active toddler has changed from the vulnerable newborn into a running, chatting whirlwind. I realise that this stage like the ones before it will be short lived.  But my memory will remain bright.

May 30th- Letting go

Letting go- such an emotive term. To me letting go means not holding onto anger and disappointment. I think that holding onto these emotions is destructive and can prevent you from getting on with your life.

Sure, disappointing things are going to happen, people will let you down. You will get angry, take a breath, then count to 10 and let it go. You will feel better.

May 28th- Pictures

May 27th- Dear Readers

Dear Reader,

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. I hope that you enjoyed your visit!

I have enjoyed the blog everyday in May challenge. I know that I haven't blogged everyday but a couple of times a week but I am finishing today!

I have loved the challenge of completing the blogs and sharing parts of my life. I have also liked responding to my readers comments.

Thank you,


May 26th- Something I read.... Well actually saw

What a cool talk! All about the importance of body language. The main message appears to be fake it till you make it. So if you act confidently and in an alpha way,  your body believes that you are. It sends the right hormones and makes you believe that you are.

Watch the video and see!